

Summary: added voidgrubs to the api. Voidgrub kills and the first voidgrub killed added for LoL games, and team /stats endpoints. Voidgrubs kills added to LoL live frames (for Pro Live customers), and post-game events and frames.


Live API

League of Legends

  • Added voidgrubs to the live League of Legends /frames feed. The total number of voidgrubs killed is shown for each team in the data point voidgrubs. This data point is exclusive to customers with a Pro Live League of Legends plan.


League of Legends

  • For LoL post-game statistics, we have added the:
    • Total number of voidgrubs killed per team, under Integer data point voidgrub_kills.
    • Which team secured the first voidgrub, under Boolean data point first_voidgrub.
      Both data points are available in the teams array for LoL games with detailed statistics available from patch 14.1.1 onwards.
  • Added the number of voidgrubs killed to post-game play-by-play frames (/lol/games/{lol_game_id}/frames). The voidgrubs data point displays the number of voidgrubs killed by a team, for red and blue team sides.
  • Added voidgrubs kill events to post-game play-by-play events (/lol/games/{lol_game_id}/events): : Voidgrub
payload.type: voidgrub
type: voidgrub_kill
  • For LoL team /stats endpoints, we have added the:

    • Total number of voidgrubs killed per team, under Integer data point voidgrub_kills.
    • Which team secured the first voidgrub, under Boolean data point first_voidgrub.

    These data points are available for the following endpoints:

    • /lol/teams/{team_id_or_slug}/stats to stats.averages, stats.totals, total_stats.averages and total_stats.totals
    • /lol/tournaments/{tournament_id_or_slug}/teams/{team_id_or_slug}/stats to stats.averages and stats.totals
    • /lol/series/{serie_id_or_slug}/teams/{team_id_or_slug}/stats to stats.averages and stats.totals
    • /lol/series/{serie_id_or_slug}/teams/stats to stats.averages and stats.totals